
Country Videos

Here is an uplifting little number.

Thats all for today folks....


Swirling Vortez

My head is stuck in one of these....

and once I stop swirling I would like to go here...If I can hitch a ride on the mermaids back even better.

What I am listening to right now: So far away from the sea - The Twelves


Never my bottle caps

Lovely little stop motion video about the hard truth of Love and a bottle cap collection.

Little Big Love from Tomas Mankovsky on Vimeo.

Genuis work Tomas Mankovsky...keep it up
What I am listening to right now: The dude at the desk next to me. Ahhhh


Going to where the trees are

Being the good lassy I am....I am headed off for the homeland. Trying to find me roots and a European passport ;0)

What I am listening to right now: Peter Van Poehl, Where the trees are....(mmmm Canada