

I am in a bit of a piano mode...
I have recently downloaded (and paid for!) Handel, Bach and Glenn Gould for my iphone as ringtones.

In my search for piano tunes I stumbled across this lovely little stop motion film done by Ryan Cashman.

Light-Paint Piano Player from Ryan Cashman on Vimeo.

and then I remembered some others I have seen awhile ago.....

LOve the Japanese....

LOve the Matrix....

LOve cute skateboarders....

What I am listening to right now: The supreme Stop!


Support your local community

These guys are fantastic....Rhett and Link.

They have done a whole series of local commercials....startlingly funny. I have a small/micro business - why doesn't soembody nominate me for a commercial! We could shoot it at the church in the village...I know the mayor!

Can't decide which is my favorite.....

What I am listening to today: I ain't got no cigarettes (thanks Fretkillr)

And...thanks to the guy who takes stuff apart. I am sure you are tall, handsome and can fix my toaster!


Houston, We have duct tape....

I have a swiss army knife with me at all times and if Duct tape came in handy small rolls I would carry that around too.

The guys over at workingonthemoon have a nice little chronicle of the love affair between NASA and duct tape.

What else can you do with duct tape?
Well...it can babysit for you

It can hold your money

You can even sleep in it.

What am I listening to right now: stuck on you!



I call this guy Love...he's in my telephone like that.
He calls me Magic....

He paints, he draws, he gives love freely AND he has written an amazing little story for the "Les Cahiers europeens de l'imaginaire"....

Buy Time here!

What I am listening to today: Time after Time...


Take a spin on the wheel....

Luck is a funny thing. You never know how it works. For the moment I will stick to my red socks.

What to you get when you cross this....

And This......(en francais bien sur!)

= Chatroulette!!!! = alot of fucked up cats!

What I am listening to today: Cause I've made my life out of reading peoples faces!


Almost Valentines Day

Almost that time of the year again.....
There is a card for everyone if you look hard enough.

What I am listening to today: Duh....


Smell like a Man!

Looking out from my desk I can see the rooftops covered in snow and can't be bothered to venture outside (with the fireplace next to my desk and all...) and what better way to use my lunch break than to look for random shit on the internet.
Found these little gems for your viewing pleasure:
Old Spice reminds me of my Uncle....He was a real man. "Le Rustique" - Love you Uncle K.

What I am listening to today: The man.



Atomic Number: 1. Atomic Mass: 1.00794 amu. Melting Point: -259.14 °C

I want one of these for Christmas. The BMW would be nice, but I am talking about making hydrogen power cells at home!

Another bright man....Taras Wankewycz ( he didn't mention anything about Hindenburg....but we'll let it pass. Hydrogen is totally safe :)

Nice little video from BMW:

even better video from BMW:

What I am listening to right now: Will.I.am


Eye of the Tiger

Thats right kids....The Year of the Tiger starts today.

"In terms of the Zodiac, a great year is in store for those born in the year of the Dragon, Sheep and especially the Horse. A relatively good year is ahead for Rats, Cows, Rabbits, Roosters, Dogs and Pigs. But for the Tigers, Snakes and Monkeys out there -- it will be a rough one".

I'm a Tiger.

I have included a handy Chinese zodiac so you can check your sign.

But all is not lost for us Tigers. You can wear red underwear....fill up your rice urn and burn as much money as possible (real money and burning money!!!) yah...like I 've got money to burn!

Yama gamma gichi! Ahh...I remember when life was easy and I could just build contraptions like this and not worry about "Tiger Troubles".

What I am listneing to right now: Survivor!



"What choices do we make in the space between the IDEAL and the REAL"

The answer....whatever man.

Got to hand it to these guys....they are on the world wide intranet....

I have always been a bit different and see the world with my own pair of rose coloured glasses. I was the girl in highschool that everyone called a weirdo and the captain of the football broke up with me cause I wouldn't put out (...and I was weird) (Jason Smith.....Where are you now?)
As Zef says....look at ME now...I am a fucking Ninja! Ok. I am not a ninja....but I am not a weirdo. I am standard.

Standard. Not normal....because what is normal? Being Normal is right up there with nice and cool.

What I am listening to today: Miss Diversity, another standard woman.

Confused. call the hotline or read the instruction manual.


Ideas worth Spreading..

I have been a fan of TED for years.....
I even played around with the idea of trying to organize French TED talks....(another pipedream)
Today I stumbled on this little talk. Pranav Mistry, phd at MIT is a friggin Genius!!!
and once again - this scares the shit out of me.

What am I listening to today? Project Trio....Go Go Gadget....wristwatch! Beatboxing with a Flute??? I thought I had seen everything.